United Way of Central Kansas 2024 Workplace Campaign
With your support, UWCK will be allocating funds to our Community Partners as well as continuing our work with Community Impact Programs such as Reality U, Box of Love, #RealWorld and Literacy Kits and we will strive to put books in the hands of hundreds of children each month through the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Funding raised through our Workplace Partners accounts for over 60% of the total funding raised each year. Our Workplace Partners are also counted on as volunteers, helping with our Community Impact Programs as well as our annual pledge drive. Our Workplace Partners give support to UWCK on social media by sharing their sponsorships and our events, and by talking to new employees about what UWCK does for our neighbors, friends, and family members. We greatly appreciate all that our business partners do throughout the year to support United Way.
Odds are, someone you know has used a service that United Way supports.
- A parent or grandparent may have received a Box of Love or have Meals on Wheels deliver a healthy meal to their home.
- A child may have gone through Reality U or attend Great Bend Children’s Learning Center.
- A neighbor may have needed support with housing or utility assistance provided by Salvation Army or Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas.
You have been a big part of change over the years that you have supported UWCK and I look forward to continuing to work with you in the years to come. Thank you for all that you do in our community-not only for UWCK, but all the non-profits that you support.
Below are assets for you to utilize in your Workplace Campaign. Please reach out if you would like printed materials and we will get those to you.
Email Templates:
Not a current Workplace Campaign Partner but interested in partnering with us?