Check out our Community Partners who support our community by advocating for health. Examples? ElderCare, Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas, Family Crisis Center, RSVP/Volunteers in Action, and Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation.
In search of help for mental health? Visit Rise Up for a list of resources.
Delta Dental of Kansas Community Benefit Plan
United Way of the Plains has partnered with Delta Dental and expanded their reach to cover ALL of Kansas.
How it Works
There’s a $3,000 annual maximum for each member of your family. The plan covers diagnostic, preventive, basic and major services at 100% at any in-network Delta Dental provider. The deductible costs just $5 for individuals and a maximum of $10 families. The deductible is paid once for the plan year.
Who Qualifies for the Plan
The Community Benefit Plan helps working individuals and families across the state of Kansas with income less than or equal to 250% of the federal poverty limit. The head of the household must be employed but family members do not have access to dental insurance by traditional means. Those enrolled in government dental programs are eligible for enrollment.
How to Enroll
Dial 2-1-1 and ask to apply for the Delta Dental Community Benefit Plan. United Way of the Plains will provided additional details on the plan, determine if you are eligible and get you set up!
SingleCare Discount Prescription Drug Program
"For 15 years, United Ways and SingleCare (formerly known as FamilyWize) have collaborated to bring greater stability to communities nationwide. We know from experience that families living on the edge never struggle with just one issue: it’s the combination of problems piling up that prevents families from finding stability and truly thriving. At SingleCare, we know we can’t address all the problems we see in our communities—but we’re really good at making prescription medications affordable, so families don’t have to choose between medications and other basics like food or rent. SingleCare offers: • Discounts up to 80% off • Free loyalty program with member benefits • Spanish-language website • Free app"
Crunch Out Obesity
United Way of Central Kansas partnered with Sunflower Bank, Golden Belt Community Foundation, Dr. Charlie & Denise Joslin, Ellinwood Rec Center and Central Kansas Therapy & Sports Medicine to bring a new program to the Ellinwood community. Crunch Out Obesity was introduced in the Ellinwood Middle Schools to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. This program encourages our youth to "Get on the Ball". Students were provided with exercise balls, jump ropes, water bottles, and exercise & nutrition journals to keep track of how they are doing. This program lasted 6 weeks and offered prizes for the students who completed their logs.
Parents As Teachers
In 2014, the United Way of Central Kansas teamed up with Parents as Teachers to make hearing health a priority for USD 495 families.
The Otoacoustic Emissions Screener (OAE) is a highly reliable hearing screening method that has helped identify a wide range of hearing health needs, including middle ear infections or permanent hearing losses that might not be detected until a child reaches Kindergarten. These conditions can have a significant negative impact on the social, education, and developmental progress of a child when left untreated.
The total cost of the OAE Screener was $4,628 and between the money raised by Parents as Teachers and the United Way of Central Kansas, the amount was raised and the OAE Screener was being used within the program by the July 1st deadline.